martes, 13 de diciembre de 2011

English Week Theme

English Theme: "Learning English Inspires Dreams, Shape Lives, and Give Us Hope for the Future"
What do you think about it?

domingo, 4 de diciembre de 2011

Science News for Kids - Check this out OJO
Read this article:
Swirling seas of plastic trash

Remember the 3 R's Reduce , Reuse, Recycle and Enjoy the Earth!
POWER WORDS (adapted from the Merriam-Webster Student Dictionary, and
phytoplankton Microscopic, free-floating plants that live in watery environments.
oceanographer A scientist who studies the biology, chemistry or movement of the ocean.
ecosystem A system made up of a community of living things interacting with their environment.
ocean gyre A ringlike system of ocean currents that rotate clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and counterclockwise in the Southern Hemisphere.
zooplankton Plankton that consists of animals.
biodegrade Capable of being broken down by living things.
migrate To pass from one region to another, usually on a regular schedule for feeding or breeding.
persistent organic pollutants (POPs) Chemicals that stay in the environment and pose a risk of harming human health and the environment.
bivalve Having or being a shell that consists of two movable valves.