sábado, 21 de abril de 2012

Respect our Mother Earth

Our planet is endangered by the lack of respect towards nature and the beings which live there.
This threat is very real: to see it, one just has to observe the pollution of rivers, the transformation of all green into a world of cement, and the loss of the memory of their immense value for life.
We humans have shown time and time again how well we seem to be able to destroy, better than how to protect or create.
We only think of wanting more for ourselves without giving any regard to what it does to others or our beautiful Mother Earth.
 Each individual action you take has consequences. If you reflect a bit before making a choice on simple things, you can have a big impact on the environment. For example, do you know that plastic water bottles are made from oil? If you choose to take your reusable bottle filled with clean tap water everywhere you go, you can save up to 5 plastic bottles in a single day.
You are in the forming years of what you want to be when you grow up, and who you become. You can choose your education field and mold your interests in such a way that you create a positive impact on the environment. If you reflect on the question of what your purpose in life on this earth is, you will find the answer to that question.
So my dear children, live your life consciously. Consider this beautiful gift of nature we have been given– the earth, her water, her plants and animals and do everything you possibly can to preserve her wonderful purity. Reflect on every choice you make and ask yourself: Am I honoring or destroying these precious gifts by the everyday choices I make, whether big or small?
Have this in mind, we need to leave this Earth better for our next generation for them to enjoy what God has created for us.
Tomorrow lets participate cleaning up our beautiful Jobos Beach, be part of the people who makes the difference.

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